Safe Community Project


Delivering Training Content Online

Use a third-party LMS, or have us create a custom one, just for your situation.

In the past, Learning Management Systems (LMS) were considered unique and highly expensive methods of delivering education and training. However, today, the world of LMS options has expanded significantly, with numerous solutions available from various developers. The leadership at the Safe Community Project has been working with different LMS solutions for more than 25 years and understands the critical requirements for an LMS in public safety and the fire service.

Own your LMS Outright.

There may be situations where it is more cost-effective to have a custom-built LMS than to use an annually-licensed LMS with the typical per-student cost. Our engineering team can build a reliable, capable, and easy-to-use LMS that you own, with only the required technology licensing. For instance, the annual licensing fees for an LMS that includes eCommerce (selling courses) typically cost under $2,500.00 per year. Hosting, which includes bandwidth, security, and overall environment upgrades, should typically cost about $3,000.00 per year. Adding a maintenance agreement, the total cost of ownership should still be under $12,000.00 per year. The LMS will bear your brand, your capabilities, and your private student database. The development cost for an LMS varies considerably but should be amortized over five years. Please ask us about the cost of developing an entire environment for your specific situation.

Rent your LMS.

There are situations where paying a monthly or annual fee to a third-party LMS developer can be the best solution. This is usually the case when you are either charging students fees that cover all costs (LMS, hosting, maintenance, course development, etc.), plus your profit margin, or when you have a very small audience and don’t care about relying on a particular LMS provider. It is important to investigate all aspects of renting an LMS, as the cost for the environment may be low, but the cost per student may alter the annual cost requirements. For instance, you might find an LMS that costs $1,200 per year, including hosting and security. However, adding in the (average) cost per student of $4.00 per month, the total fees may be substantial. Imagine a campus with 3,400 students. At the average of $4.00 per student, that comes out to $163,200 annually. Planning ahead carefully is crucial for creating a strong LMS environment. We are here to help.

What Every LMS Should Include.

A Learning Management System (LMS) should have several features that make it easy to create, manage, and deliver educational content. It should also have tools to assess and report student progress. Here are the essential components that every LMS should include:

User-Friendly Interface

An easy-to-use and accessible interface for all users, including students, teachers, and administrators.

Course Management

Tools for creating and managing course content, including multimedia integration, text editors, and templates.

Enrollment and User Management

Capabilities to manage user data, roles, and permissions, as well as enrollment processes and class rosters.

Communication Tools

Features such as forums, chats, and email integration to facilitate communication between students and instructors, as well as among students.

Assessment and Testing

Tools to create and manage quizzes, tests, and other assessments, with support for different question types and grading methods.

Tracking and Reporting

Advanced tracking of user progress, course completion, and time spent on learning activities. Reporting capabilities for performance analysis and compliance tracking.

Mobile Compatibility

A responsive design or dedicated mobile app to allow users to access the LMS from smartphones and tablets.

Integration Compatibilities

Ability to integrate with other tools and systems such as student information systems (SIS), external learning resources, and third-party applications.


Compliance with accessibility standards to ensure all users, including those with disabilities, can effectively use the LMS.

Security Features

Robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure user privacy, including data encryption and secure authentication methods.


The LMS should be scalable to accommodate growth in user numbers and data without performance degradation.

Customization and Flexibility

Features that allow customization of the look and feel of the LMS, as well as the functionality to meet specific needs of the educational institution or business.

Support and Help Resources

Comprehensive support resources including tutorials, FAQs, and direct support channels to assist users with any issues they might encounter.

Our training team uses the list shown herein as a baseline when determining the value and importance of capabilities used for a specific audience. As an example, more than 80% of students in the fire service will take a course using either a smartphone or a tablet, as opposed to a desktop or laptop computer. Planning for that audience is an essential part of developing the right LMS environment. 

Conform to Industry Standards.

We believe that a modern LMS must support the latest capabilities important to learners. At the same time, it is crucial to consider integration and compliance with industry standards for compatibility, scalability, and flexibility. Below are some key issues related to integration and industry standards that should be addressed:

1. Interoperability

It is essential to ensure that the LMS can seamlessly interact with other tools and systems used by the organization, such as student information systems (SIS), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and other educational tools. To achieve this, the LMS must support common data exchange formats and protocols.

2. Compliance with Standards
Several industry standards should be met to ensure compatibility and tracking of learner interactions. These standards include:

  • SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model): This standard ensures that e-learning content and LMSs are compatible with each other. SCORM compliance allows for tracking and reporting of learner interactions.

  • xAPI (Experience API, also known as “Tin Can”): This standard goes beyond SCORM by enabling tracking of learning experiences in various contexts, not limited to e-learning. xAPI can track offline learning and real-world experiences, integrating these into the learner’s record.

  • LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability): This standard facilitates the integration of various learning applications and resources with the LMS, allowing tools and content from different providers to work together.
3. Data Privacy and Security

With the integration of various systems, it is crucial to ensure data security and compliance with international data protection regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, depending on the location and nature of the institution. The LMS must include robust encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and data access controls.

4. APIs and Extensibility

A modern LMS should have well-documented and robust APIs that allow for the creation of custom integrations and extensions. This is important for organizations looking to tailor the LMS to their specific needs or integrate it with niche tools and legacy systems.

5. Mobile Integration

Mobile learning is becoming increasingly popular, and it is vital for the LMS to integrate well with mobile applications. This might include syncing learning activities and progress across platforms and supporting notifications and other mobile-specific functionalities.

6. Accessibility Standards

Compliance with web accessibility standards (such as WCAG and Section 508 in the U.S.) is essential to make learning accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This ensures that content and activities are designed to be accessible through screen readers and other assistive technologies.

7. Analytics and Reporting Tools
Integration with business intelligence tools and advanced analytics is becoming increasingly important. This integration should allow for detailed reporting and analytics capabilities that can provide insights into learning patterns, effectiveness, and outcomes.
8. Cloud Compatibility

Considering cloud-based solutions or ensuring that the LMS can operate effectively in a cloud environment is essential for scalability and flexibility. This involves evaluating how well the LMS integrates with cloud services, including storage, computing, and networking infrastructure.

9. Multilingual Support

The ability of the LMS to support multiple languages and cultural settings is important for global organizations. This involves not only the translation of user interfaces but also the management of course content in multiple languages.

10. Continuous Updates and Support

As standards and technologies evolve, the LMS must be capable of adapting through regular updates and maintenance. Vendor support is crucial for resolving integration issues, providing training, and ensuring the LMS remains compatible with industry standards.

Addressing these integration and standard-related issues is essential for deploying a modern, effective, and future-proof LMS that meets the diverse needs of learners and educators in a dynamic educational environment.

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